Behaviorally Speaking – Why Retailers Need A Secure Trusted Application Base


Behaviorally Speaking – Why Retailers Need A Secure Trusted Application Base
by Bob Aiello

Target’s well-publicized disclosure that customers’ Personally Identifiable Information (PII) had been compromised was a stark reminder that retailers need to ensure that their systems are secure and reliable. The 2013 incident resulted in a settlement of over 39 million dollars, which Target had to pay banks and other financial services firms to compensate them for losses stemming from the cybersecurity breach. Target is not alone, as other retailers are stepping forward and admitting that they, too, have been “victims” of a cyber-attack. Target CEO Gregg Steinhafel called for chips on credit cards while also admitting that there was malware on his point-of-sale machines. Mr Steinhafel ultimately lost his job after the incident, which should emphasize corporate leaders are being held accountable for their corporate systems security and reliability. In Target’s case, the malware was not discovered on the retailer’s machines despite the use of malware scanning services. The fact that retailers rely upon security software to detect the presence of a virus, Trojan or other malware is exactly what is wrong with the manner in which these executives are looking at this problem.

The problem is that malicious hackers do not give us a copy of their code in advance so that virus protection software vendors can make security products capable of recognizing the “signature” of an attack. This means that we are approaching security in a reactive manner only after the malicious code is already on our systems. What we need to be doing is building secure software in the first place, and to do this you need a secure trusted application base which frankly is not really all that difficult to accomplish. Creating secure software has more to do with the behavior and processes of your development, operations, information security and QA testing teams than the software or technology you are using. We need to be building, packaging and deploying code in a secure and trusted way such that we know exactly what code should be on a server. Furthermore, we also need to be able to detect unauthorized changes which occur, either through human error or malicious intent. The reason that so much code is not secure and reliable is that we aren’t building it to be secure and reliable and it is about time that we fixed this readily-addressed problem. We discuss how to create an effective Agile ALM using DevOps in our new book.

Whether your software system is running a nuclear power plant, grandpa’s pacemaker or the cash register at your favorite retailer, software should be built, packaged and deployed using verifiable automated procedures that have built-in tests to ensure that the correct code was deployed and that it is running as it should. In the IEEE standards, this is known as a physical and functional configuration audit and is among the most essential configuration management procedures required by most regulatory frameworks, and for very good reason. If you use Ant, Maven, Make or MSBuild to compile and package your code, you can also use cryptographic hashes to sign your code using a private key in a technique that is commonly known as asymmetric cryptography. This isn’t actually all that difficult to do and many build frameworks have the functions already built into the language. Plus, there are many reliable free and open source libraries available to help automate these tasks. It is unfortunate, not to mention rather costly, that many companies don’t take the time to implement these procedures and best practices as they rush their updates to market without the most basic security built in from the beginning of the lifecycle.

We have had enough trading firms, stock exchanges and big banks suffer major outages that impacted their customers and shareholders. It is about time that proper strategies be employed to build in software reliability, quality and security from the beginning of the lifecycle instead of just trying to tack it on at the end – if there is enough time. The Obamacare website has also been cited as having serious security flaws and there are reports that the security testing was skipped due to project timing constraints. The DevOps approach of building code through automated procedures and deploying to a production-like environment early in the lifecycle is essential in enabling information security, QA, testing and other stakeholders to participate in helping to build quality systems that are verifiable down to the binary code itself. If you have put in place the procedures needed to detect any unauthorized changes then your virus detection software should not need to detect the signature of a specific virus, Trojan or other malware.

Using cryptography, I can create a secure record of the baseline that allows me to proactively ascertain when a binary file or other configuration item has been changed. When I baseline production systems, I sometimes find that, to my surprise, there are files changing in the environment that I do not expect to be changing. Often, there is a good explanation. For example, some software frameworks spawn off additional processes and related configuration files to handle additional volume. This is particularly a problem with frameworks that are
commonly used to write code faster. These frameworks are often very helpful, but sometimes they are not necessarily completely understood by the technology team using them. Baselining your codelines will actually help you understand and support your environment more effectively when you learn what is occurring on a day-to-day basis. There is some risk that you might have some false positives in which you think that you have a virus or other malware when in fact you can determine that there is a logical explanation for the changed files (and that information can be stored in your knowledge management system for next time).

The Target point-of-sale (POS) devices should have been provisioned using automated procedures that also could be used to immediately identify that code was on the machine (or networking device) that was not placed there by the deployment team. Identifying malware is great, but identifying that your production baseline has been compromised is a infinitely more helpful. When companies start embracing DevOps best practices then large enterprise systems will become more reliable and secure, thus helping the organization better achieve their business goals!

Pick up a copy of our new book on Agile Application Lifecycle Management to learn more about exactly what you need to do in order to create the secure trusted application base!


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